Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013 Travel Plans

by Regin Reyno

2012 has been a very busy year for me in terms of travels. As what I've said in my previous post, it is a year of travels. I rode airplanes, buses, boats, pedicabs, tricycles, tuktuks, motosais, habal-habals, songtaews, vans, taxis, remorque-motos, horse cart, kalesa, trains, jeepneys, subways, and sky trains. 

Every month in 2012-from January to December-I had at least one travel, except for November where I skipped the all expenses-paid trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia for the BlogFest Asia 2012. I was one of the chosen Asian bloggers to be part of that 5-day event in Siem Reap, and the sponsors will bear all the expenses including per diems. But I declined because I have classes during that time. That was the only month in 2012 where I didn't travel.

So looking back in 2012 where almost every month I traveled, what could be in store for me in 2013? What are my travel plans in 2013?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Teach Us to Number our Days

by Regin Reyno

I just finished watching the movie called "The Bucket List" starring award-winning actors Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It's about  two cancer patients who was given just 6 months to live. Upon knowing that, they started to list the things that they need to do before they die and started doing it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My First Article on a Professional Sports Website

by Regin Reyno

As a blogger, I love to write specially the special moments that happened in my life. And because of it, my article found its way to a professional sports website.

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Cultural Experience in Myanmar

by Regin Reyno

One of the reasons why I travel is to experience a different culture. The difference in ways, customs of other people makes travel more exciting and fulfilling. That’s why in choosing my destinations, I always consider the cultural significance that I can experience in that place.